1. Whirlpool (Hard Rap Beat) - 138 BPM Ryan Callam 1:56
  2. Estate (Hard & Motivational Beat) - 76 Bpm ryan callam 2:32
  3. My Angel (Delicate & Upbeat) - 94 Bpm ryan callam 3:45
  4. Treaty - (Intense Cinematic Rap Beat) - 85 Bpm ryan callam 2:17
  5. Synergy (Mystical Rap Beat) - 70 Bpm ryan callam 3:05
  6. Noble (Cinematic Upbeat) - 154 Bpm ryan callam 2:17
  7. The Recipe (Hard Rap Beat) - 72 bpm Ryan Callam 1:15
  8. Rolling Credits (Upbeat Rap Beat) - 81 Bpm ryan callam 3:22
  9. Shallow Waters (Dope Rap Beat) - 76 Bpm ryan callam 2:32
  10. Stars Aligned (Uplifting Piano Beat) - 79 Bpm ryan callam 3:15
  11. Open Arms (Heartwarming & Upbeat) - 135 Ryan Callam 2:36


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